Some of my professional trainings

Organic Intelligence Coach & Practioner
supporting post-trauma growth through interpersonal biofeedback

Coaching for Transformation
an ICF-accredited coaching training

Embodiment Coaching
increasing awareness and choice by including the body

Systemische Körpertherapie
a blend of Hakomi, Focusing and hypnosystemic Coaching

Sichere Körperarbeit

Somatic Resilience and Regulation

Havening (in the process of being certified)

Transforming Touch®

Nonviolent Communication
with various organizations in D, USA, FR, EST, NL, S, A, THA, UK

Integratives Traumatraining (+ a couple of specialized courses)

in a center of competence for working with HSPs:
Körperorientierte Traumaarbeit

SE Touch – Trauma berühren

I have also trained in Narrative Coaching and IFS-based parts work (without taking their certification programs) and am fully certified in Judith Blackstone’s Realization Process, an embodied form of non-dual meditation.


I have taken practical exams in Coaching for Transformation, Systemic Somatic Therapy and Embodiment Coaching, and have done a supervised practicum in Organic Intelligence.

At present, I receive regular supervision in Organic Intelligence, Co-Regulating Touch and Embodiment Coaching.